January 11, 2023

King Solomon to Nehemiah

 "I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you". Genesis 17:6 
    The above Scripture is a promise of God to Abraham that in his generation their will be kings shall come out to descendants and the promise was repeated to his grandson Jacob (read: Genesis 35:11). This promised made   years before the first king. Samuel was the prophet who anoint the first king, Saul, he is people choose, Samuel was disappointed to the people to ask for a king because he knew that God is their King but eventually he anoints Saul as the Lord God's instructions. David was the second king of Israel, and he is the greatest king of Israel and the famous ancestor of Jesus- Jesus called the Son of David. He was God's choice and Samuel anoints him too. The next king is Solomon, a son of Bathsheba to David. Saul, David and Solomon were the kings under united kingdom and it last for 120 years.

970BC - 930BC - King Solomon 

    He is the man of wisdom and folly.  The important events in the life of Solomon was recorded mainly in the three books of the Old Testaments (2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Chronicles). In early reign of Solomon, he love the Lord and went to Gibeon and offers burnt offerings  and the Lord appeared to him and asked him what the Lord would do for him, Solomon asked for an understanding heart( 1 Kings 3:9) and the Lord was pleased to him, and The Lord bless him with the gift of wisdom. Solomon became the wisest and wealthiest man in the east that ever lived. His fame went abroad, kings and leaders of other nation visits him, one of the memorable visits is the visit of Queen of Sheba (1 Kings 10:1-13, 2 Chronicles 9:1-12). 

    The main event in the life of Solomon was the built of the temple of  God during in his fourth-year reign and it took seven years to building the Temple in Jerusalem (1 Kings 6: 37-38). Also he took the Ark of Covenant from Mount Zion and place in the Holy of Holies Temple ( 1 Kings 8:1-11, 2 Chronicles 5: 1-14).

    Moreover, The Lord spoke to him twice concerning the promised . If he will walked before the footstep of his father David, the Lord will bless him. However, he was influence by  his foreign wives to idolatry and leads him to his downfall and cause the division of the kingdom. 

And he said to Jeroboam, Take thee ten pieces: for thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel, Behold, I will rend the kingdom out of the hand of Solomon, and will give ten tribes to thee: (But he shall have one tribe for my servant David's sake, and for Jerusalem's sake, the city which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel:) 1 Kings 11:31- 32
  934BC - The division of the Kingdom begin in the reign of Rehoboam, son of Solomon who succeeded the throne. The  Scriptures below is a prophecy of  Ahijah concerning the division of the united Kingdom of Israel. see: TIMELINE  

     There are two important character during the divided kingdom, their names were almost similar and the events that happened in their life were resemblance. They are both served for Kingdom of Israel, God may use them to warned and always remind them to their evil deeds.

Elijah- Prophet of Fire

    Nothing is known to his origin the Bible said "Elijah the Tishbite" and he live in Gilead (1 Kings 17:1). He has a unique character and he has rugged appearance also he has rough cloak. The Bible records fourteen scene or events in his life. 

1. His sudden appearance before King Ahab-  he prophesied a prolonged drought. ( 1 Kings 17:1) 
2. In the Brook Cherith- the Lord commanded him to stay there, in spite of famine he found himself well nourished, ravens, an unclean birds fed him, the ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and evening and he drink by the brook. he stayed their until the brook dried up(1 Kings 17:2-7). 
3. At Zarephath-  according to the word of the Lord. He went to Zarephath of Zidon, a small town of Phoenicia, Jezebel's town. in here He meet a widow and his son, the town was stricken with famine, when he meet the woman, she is gathering sticks to cook their last meal. Elijah requested for water and bread, at first the woman was hesitate because the she got  a handful of meal in a barrel and little oil in a curse. Elijah said "Fear not" and the widow listen and trust him and miracle came,  the widow and his son had plentiful supplies of food until the famine ended. Elijah is sent by God to fed her. 
4. At the widow's house at Zarephath- the widow' son was restored to life. 
5. The False Prophet was summoned- The Lord told to Elijah to appears to King Ahab of Israel
and announce that God will send rain, also commands him to summon the false prophet for a contest at Mt Carmel. 
6. On Mt. Carmel- The Lord Prophet Elijah challenge the false prophets of Baal. He summoned them to go up to Mt. Carmel to have contest, He challenged the false prophet of a fiery test. The false prophet prayed, worship even cuts themselves until evening to their god Baal but it is failed. When Elijah' s turn, and finished to prepared his sacrifice, he just prayed and divine fire came down the Lord and burn the sacrifice of Elijah. 
7. The end of the drought- Elijah's prayer for rain and  he runs before king Ahab and of Jezebel. 
8. Under a juniper tree- In the wilderness, having fled and discouraged, exhausted and desiring to die but an angel came and fed him and he journeys on to Mt. Horeb.

9. Complaint- he complained to the Lord and He was given a new revelation from the Lord, the Lord ask him to anoints a man to be king and his successor.

10. On the farm- He meet Elisha flowing and give his mantle, indicating that Elisha is his successor.
11. Vineyard of Naboth- He prophesied the awful demised of Jezebel.

12. The Last journey of Elijah- He was accompanied of Elisha and they travel through the places to places until they reach river Jordan and smite it and they both together walked on a dry ground. And here Elisha ask for the double portion of his spirit. the finally Elijah taken by whirlwind into heaven.

13. On the Mt. Transfiguration- His reappearance with Moses and conversation with Jesus.

Elisha- Prophet of who received a double portion of Spirit 

    He is the son of Shaphat of Abelmeholah, his ministry lasted for fifty years and he started his ministry in the reign of Jehoram until Jehoahaz. There were events that happened in his  life that resemblance to Elijah, which includes the following:

    1. Both smote the waters of the Jordan river and passed over on the dry ground (2 Kings 2:8; 2:14)

   2. They are both brought waters of refreshment in times of  drought and famine. (1 Kings 18:41-45; 2 Kings 8:9-20)

   3. Both miracles of increasing widows' oil for food  (1 Kings 17:10-16; 2 Kings 4:1-7)

   4. Both raise sons of a woman to life (1 Kings 7:17-24, 2 Kings 4: 8-37)

   5. Both perform miracles for persons outside the of Israel-  Zarephath and Jordan. (1 Kings 17:9-16; 2 Kings 5:1-5)

    6. They are both declared prophesies upon kings (1 Kings 21:19-22; 2 Kings 8:7-10)

    7. Also both call down vengeance and curse (fire on the soldiers; two bears on the little children). ( 2 Kings 1:9-12; 2:23-25).

    In spite of the resemblances between in the events of miracles in their life of the two prophets, Elisha is not just an echo of his predecessor. There was difference between them, Elijah is a man of moods and temperament. He spent most of the time in an unavailing and struggle with the test of the times, and their were periods he had suffered from great depression, Unlike Elijah he has gentle, temperance and thoughtful spirit. Truly his a great man of God, in his ministry more miracles had happened which includes the following: ( read 2 Kings 4-7)

  1.  Poisonous pottage healed
  2.  Food multiplied during famine
  3.  Lost axed recovered
  4.  Defeat of Syrian

    He lead people' s life and fellowship with men. The fact that he received "a double portion of the Spirit" echoed in his tomb, his dead bones were touched by a dead man and came to life (2 Kings 13:21).

November 16, 2022

The Sending of the Spies to the Death of King David

       The Bible is where you read the beginning of heaven and earth, the creation of everything and creation of mankind. Moses said in Psalm 90: 2 "Before the mountains were brought forth, Or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, Even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.”(ASV). It should understand that in eternity God formed the heaven and earth. He is everlasting and He does not dwell in the realm of time and it understand that the beginning of the heaven and earth is the beginning of time. Since the beginning of the world  everything under in heaven is confined in time and purpose. 

Why God create time?

            Ecclesiastes 3:1 "To every thing, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." 

    God Measurement of Time is far different from human however, He created things for us so we can measure time, and He used the following to teach us:

1. Days and nights (Genesis 1:4-5, Genesis 2:2)

2. Day, Months, Year (Exodus 12:2-3

3. Seasons (Genesis 8:22

4. Festival (Numbers 9:2

    Tracking the Timeline of Moses' (from) sending the spies to the promised land to King David- the descendants of Messiah. We take I Kings 6:1 as starting point to track the time...   

           "And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel." 1 Kings 6:1

1450 BC - At this point Moses and the Israelites wherein Sinai and already twenty-six months and twenty days away in Egypt and at this point they will journey to the wilderness of Paran (Numbers 10:11). see: TIMELINE

(To stay in the track: Moses and the people journeyed three days to Kibroth-hattaavah (Numbers 10:33, 11:35) then one day journey to Hazeroth, in this place they stayed for seven days, therefore (3+1+7 = 11 days).  So, it took eleven days journey to reached  Kadesh- Barnea, then in this place Moses sent off the twelve of the Spies to spy the Promised Land (Canaan). (Numbers 13:1,17). After forty days the spies returned back to Moses, they came back with good and bad report. Caleb and Joshua were the two spies with good report which the Israelites rejected and listened to the ten spies with bad report. God was not pleased to this manner and wanted to destroy them but Moses intervene and God change the punishment. The Israelites will remain in the wilderness for forty years. (Numbers 14:20-35).

    At this point, Moses and the Israelites were two years, four months and more than ten days since Egypt time. and this marks the first days of Israelites wandering in the wilderness.

1410 BC - After the wandering and Moses is died. Joshua succeeded Moses to lead Israelites, he begin his leadership at the crossing of the Jordan river.  This period were the 40th year of leadership of Moses but approximately the final year of the forty  of years wandering since the sending the spies. 

    The thirty days mourning for Moses’ death, sending two spies to Jericho, and the crossing the river Jordan were the events to wrapped the forty years wandering of the Israelites. In addition, an important character in the Bible will introduce, Rahab a prostitute who hid the two spies, she will be added in the descendant of the Messiah ( Matthew 1:4). Moreover, after crossing,  The Israelites celebrate Passover, this mark the beginning of month and the first year from the other side of Jordan, they encamped at the place called Gilgal that time. (Joshua 1: 11, 2:1-24, 3:1, 4:19, 5:10)

1404 BC- Mark the  fifth to sixth years of conquest of Joshua on the Promised Land. To take the six year of conquest is to look up in Caleb's age when he asked for his inheritance ( Joshua 14:7-10, 15: 13-19),  he is the first to ask his lot aside to tribes of Rueben, Gad and half of Manasseh had given to them during Moses leadership. He is forty years old when is sent out to spy the Canaan, in verse 10 he said he is already eighty-five years old and the time of wandering is 40 years, therefore (40+40 = 80) then he was seventy-nine or eighty years old at crossing Jordan then (85-79 = 6 or 85 - 80 = 5).

1404 BC- 1390 BC - During the distribution of land still have land to conquer like the portion that given to Caleb, he drives out the inhabiting Anakim, so there is no specific time how long Joshua and Eleazar distributed the land, therefore we assume this occurred between when Caleb asked his portion and the final years of Joshua's life. If he is one hundred ten years old in his death and he is ninety years old at Jordan crossing and  his leadership is 16 years then ( 110 - 90 = 20 and 20 - 16 = 4) then Joshua lives for four years more until his death.

Inheritance allotment: Joshua and Eleazar divided the land by lot... see: MAP

  • Rueben, Gad, half of the tribe Manasseh - Joshua 13:15-32
  • Judah - Joshua 15:1-12
  • Ephraim, and Manasseh - Joshua 16:1-10, 17:1-13
  • Benjamin, and Dan - Joshua 18:11-28, 19:47-48
  • Asher, Zebulun, Issachar and Naphtali - Joshua 19:10-46
  • Simeon - Joshua 19:1-9
  • Levi - Joshua 20,21
  • Caleb - Joshua 14:6-15, 15:13-19
  • Joshua - Joshua 19:49-51    

1390 BC- 1382 BC - After the death of Joshua. A new generation arise but didn't know Joshua and the people did what is right on them, they fall to Idolatry and God punishment them by letting them under servitude or oppression by the other nations, the first servitude was under Mesopotamia for 8 years (Judges 3:8).

In addition: a civil war broke in this period - The tribe of Benjamin almost face extinction for their folly acts. ( Judges 19-20). If you read the book of Judges the name of the tribe, it noticeably appeared in the following chapters of book of Judges. It seems likely the said event occurred in this period.

1382 BC- 1342 BC - The people cries and repent unto God and He raise Othniel to the first Judge, he delivered them against Mesopotamia and the land had peace for forty years. see: TIMELINE

1342 BC - 1324 BC - The Second servitude was under Moabites for 18 years. (Judges 3:14).

1324 BC - 1244 BC - Ehud & Shamgar judged Israel for eighty years. Ehud, a Benjamin. He delivered Israel against Moabites, he judged killed the King of Moab, Eglon. While, Shamgar the third Judge, delivered them under Philistines. (Judges 3:30)

1244 BC- 1224 BC- Third Servitude under Canaanites for twenty years. (Judges 4:2)

1224 BC-  1184 BC- Deborah with Barak - they judged Israel for forty years. (Judges 5:31). Deborah prophesied the death of Sisera, he is the General of the army of Canaanites, he will get killed by a woman name Jael and the Bible called her the “blessed above women” or the most blessed of a all women. (Judges 5:24-27)

1184 BC - 1177 BC -  Fourth Servitude under Midianites oppression. (Judges 6, 8)

1177 BC - 1137 BC  - Gideon judges  Israel for forty years. Gideon is called "a mighty man of valor" of the angel of the Lord ( Judges 6:12). During Gideon’s rule- there was civil war,  cause by the jealousy of Ephraim (Judges 8:1-31).

  • Consecutive years after Gideon’s rule...

    1137 BC- 1134 BC - Abimelech(son of Gideon) suppose rule as King which leads to civil war.

    1134 BC- 1111 BC - Tola, judged for 23 years.

    1111 BC- 1089 BC - Jair, judged for 22 years.

  • Moreover, The “TIME OF RUTH” may occurs in this period. Naomi and her family move to Moab to escape famine but after 10 years, Naomi return to Judah with Ruth, a Moabite, she became the wife of Boaz a kinsman of Naomi’s husband, Elimelech. Boaz became the kinsman redeemer for Naomi's inheritance. Furthermore, Boaz and Ruth became the parents of Obed, the Father of Jesse. Ruth was twice remove from the genealogy of David - her great grandson and she was added to the descendant of the Messiah. (Matthew 1:1,7)(Ruth 4:13-17).

1137 BC- 1171 BC Overlapping years: eighteen years servitude under the Ammonites (Judges 6:1) -it may be this period where the year of Jephthah's rule occurred. (Judges 10:6, 12:7). A notable hint for tracking this is when Jephthah’s history lesson, which happened before he was sent as deliverer, the history had happened 300 years ago, since from the last year of wilderness. (Judges 11:26, Numbers 21:23-25 ). If we track that we will arrive in the first years of Tola being the judge and the fifth servitude under Ammonites and also to the Philistines oppression. Then Jephthah judged as contemporary to Tola for six years and the overlapping years seems though the following judges served us local judges.  

1171 BC- 1164 BC- Ibzan judge in Bethlehem. 

1164 BC- 1154 BC- Elon judge in Zebulun.

1154 BC -1146 BC- Abdon judge in Ephraim.

  • In addition, during this period a civil war broke again, and again it cause by Ephraim's second jealousy, they are jealous to Jephthah's victory. (Judges 12:1-7)

1081 BC- 1070 BC - Under the years of sixth servitude in the hands of Philistines, it seems though  there were some years which are overlapping with Jair’ years. While, Samson, begin to judged Israel in the 20th year of the Philistines' oppression(Judges 15:20). Under this years,  Samuel's time may occurs in this period, he may be twenty-five years old when Eli died. Samuel and Samson may works as contemporary judge, also Eli works may occurs earlier under the sixth servitude. (1 Samuel 4:18). One sad event that that took place in this period and it may help us to stay in the timeline is the Ark of the covenant, the Ark of God was taken by Philistines and also the time when Eli died. The Ark of Covenant stayed in Philistines for seven months then taken back by Israel and stayed twenty years at Kirjathjearim. (1 Samuel 7:2). see: TIMELINE

1061 BC- 1056 BC- King Saul. The people choose him and he became the first King of Israel, he had a good start however because of disobedient he was twice rejected by God, at the first rejection God pronounced that the Kingship will be passed to others and this was actually David. Saul reign for forty-two years and died in a tragic manner.

1056 BC - 1041 BC - King David-  In 1 Kings 2:11 records that... “ And the days that David reigned over Israel were forty years: seven years reigned he in Hebron, and thirty and three years reigned he in Jerusalem.” He was chosen by God, he was anointed by Samuel when he is fifteen years old, one notable events had happened before he become officially a king is when he  killed Goliath, which occurs during Saul's reign.

    David, "a man after God's own heart" and "a man of war" he seems to be perfect but he did sins also, the Bible recorded the his sins and how he repented and accepted the judgements of God. And in this evil did God turn into good. David begat Solomon, his son from Bathsheba the wife of Uriah, Solomon added to the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah.( Matthew 1: 6-7). In addition, Jonathan a son of Saul, became the best friend of David, during the reign of Saul they made a covenant and in David’s reign he recalled the covenant by showing kindness to Mesphibosheth. (2 Samuel 4:4)

974 BC- Death of King David, before his death, David plan to build a temple for God but it passed to Solomon because God didn't allowed it for he is a man of war. The Bible recorded that he reign for forty years and half year. (1 Kings 2:10-11). Solomon succeeded the throne.

Reading the first chapters of the book of Genesis you will find out the greatest purpose why God created time, it may focus the accounts of the chosen people but actually it is for the purpose of coming of the Messiah for the redemption of mankind. Stories after another stories in the Bible will help us to understand the God. How he patiently waited people, he gave them time to come to Him, to know Him, to have faith in Him, to trust Him and to accept Him as Lord and saviour. God is no respecter of persons, either you are Jewish or a Gentile, His plan is to give you salvation. Therefore knowing the timeline of the Bible is understanding the timeline of the Messiah and tracking the consummation of time. see: TIMELINE

Thank You for reading and God bless You !

Author: Lorena Jacob Calderon

King Solomon to Nehemiah

 " I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you".  Genesis   17 : 6        ...